Come Easy- Go Easy
Every convict dreams of making a break – and Chet Carson did it. Then he had another break, when Jenson gave him another break at the lonely filling station. And then he met Lola, Jenson’s sensual redhead wife…
But Jenson has a safe full of money, and Lola wants to fill it in her hands. Carson’s the sucker she’s been waiting for: ‘ Open the safe and get me the money or you’ll get back to gaol.’ That was when things really started hotting up, and they get hotter and hotter and hotter…

" Lying on the cans of food was a crumpled newspaper... and slap on the front page was my photograph with a banner headline : ESCAPED SAFE ROBBER STILL FREE. It wasn't a good photograph, but good enough, and she had penciled in my moustache on the photograph to tell me that she knew who I was.In the silence of the safe, clean kitchen, I heard the screams of a man in the punishment cell and hissing crack of the belts as the guards beat him. I saw again the guy who had lost an eye...My dream of safety dissolved. "

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